Workers’ Compensation Lawyers In Florham Park
At the Morris County law firm of McHugh & Imbornone, P.A. Law Office, our attorneys help workers injured on the job obtain the full benefits they need and deserve through the workers’ compensation system. Our first task is to make sure you understand your rights under the New Jersey workers’ compensation law. Our second job is to help you obtain the full compensation you deserve.
Workers’ compensation exists to protect almost all workers in the event of on-the-job injury. In return for this protection, injured workers in New Jersey cannot sue their employers — even if an employer was negligent. This sounds straightforward, but actually obtaining full benefits after an on-the-job injury can be more complicated than you might expect. That’s why it is imperative that you consult with an experienced New Jersey workers’ compensation attorney about your claim.
Two Important Things To Know About Workers’ Comp In New Jersey
Another thing you may not know is that your employer cannot fire you for filing a workers’ comp claim, even if you disagree with the amount of benefits offered and take action to obtain the benefits you deserve. If your employer terminates you for any reason, you should consult with a knowledgeable New Jersey workers’ compensation attorney to learn about your options.
Workers’ Compensation Basics In New Jersey
Other must-know aspects of workers comp in NJ include:
- Workers’ compensation covers your medical treatment and lost income. For a temporary disability, the amount is usually 70 percent of your wage or salary. Permanent disability amounts will probably be different.
- To get wages paid at the 70 percent level, you must be unable to work for seven days following an injury. The benefits for those seven days are awarded retroactively. There is no waiting period for obtaining medical treatment; if you are injured, workers’ compensation will pay for your treatment immediately.
- In general, you must use the doctor provided by the employer. If you find that doctor unsatisfactory, however, you can request a hearing to have the provider changed.
- Workers’ compensation benefits are usually not taxable.
- If your doctor says that you can return to work for light duty, but no such job is available, you can continue to receive temporary disability until the doctor says you have achieved maximum medical improvement.
- Sometimes an injured employee needs assistance from a knowledgeable attorney. If your injuries are severe, making it likely that you won’t be able to return to work, the services of a lawyer may be critical. Other situations that may require an attorney include having preexisting disabilities, being denied medical benefits or needing to dispute the amount of benefits paid to you.
These are just a few of the issues that can arise when filing a workers’ compensation claim in Elizabeth, Union, Newark, or anywhere else in New Jersey. Our personal injury lawyers can advise you on specific matters related to your situation. We represent injured workers from all industries, including construction.
Talk To An Experienced Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today!
If you were injured on the job in New Jersey, talk to a workers’ compensation attorney who knows how to help you obtain the full benefits to which you are entitled under the law. Call McHugh & Imbornone, P.A. Law Office, now to find out about your legal rights and to learn how we can help you during the workers’ compensation process. Call 973-966-1520 or fill out our online contact form.