You might think that people are too quick to sue, especially if you get some of your information from non-legal education or popular media. In fact, The Washington Post estimates that only seven percent of civil suits involve torts. That is, the section of the law...
Year: 2021
Are you sure you did not suffer an injury in your car crash?
Car crashes are a leading cause of injury in the Garden State. Of the roughly 266,000 car accidents that occurred on New Jersey roadways in 2019, nearly 60,000 left someone with some type of injury. Statistically, this means there were approximately 164 injury-causing...
Dealing with the aftermath of a hit-and-run
Being involved in any kind of accident during your day is an annoyance, even if it is a minor fender-bender. However, watching the other driver speed away from the scene of the accident is a special variety of frustration. The good news is that you can deal with...
What are some risks in the construction industry?
If you are a construction worker, it is important to have a clear understanding of the many risks you face on the job. Unfortunately, these hazards often result in accidents that lead to serious injuries or even the loss of life. In the event that you suffer an injury...